31 August, 2013

Traffic Rules... or Lack of

Reminded Me of Argentine Drivers...
Traffic Rules are extremely lax around here. Argentines, have some sort of silent agreement on how to drive 'safely' that I have yet to fully comprehend. In an attempt to describe it, imagine this: A crisscross of alternating one-way streets with small European cars, most in a state beyond disrepair, accelerating and breaking within a few centimeters of one another (!!). The only real rule I have observed is that the car on your right always has the right of way. Even then, there will always be that onestupid boludo who cuts in front of you and disregards your right of way.This rule is rather very important considering all the narrow one-way streets with cars hurling through in every which direction.

In the United States, we are taught to stop at a stop sign (what a concept!). We usually look both ways before continuing on our way. Here however, a stop signs no longer mean stop but tap-the-breaks-and-glance-around. Also, red lights only really mean stop if there is traffic. Especially at night, stop lights are optional and largely disregarded. Oh, did I also forget to mention that seat belts are all but non-existent? They're just superfluous pieces of metal hanging limply for the sake of being conventional.

All in all, Argentina drivers defy all logical laws of driving. Everyday, they continue to test my suspension of disbelief...

-  From Argentina with Love

1 comment:

  1. Please comment! I need feedback, opinions/critics. Or if you have any questions, do not be shy!
