30 December, 2013

Post Turtle Politics

 My host-family told me an interesting political allegory...

Politics are like a turtle on a post. When you come across this strange spectacle:
  1. You are thoroughly bewildered and cannot understand why he is up there.
  2. You wonder how he got up there.
  3. You inevitably realize that he could not have gotten up there without help.
  4. You know he doesn't belong there.
  5. You realize he cannot do anything useful while he is up there.

Therefore, the only logical action is to help the poor, dumb thing down.
 I can't say that I've every heard anything as outrageous or so sincerely applicable.
*Funny side note - Later I read someone's commentary on this analogy on the internet and couldn't help but laugh. It translates as: "and most importantly, the shit goes in the direction of those below".
~From Argentina with Love

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