10 February, 2014


Guess who made some awesome alfajores? That's right. Me.. and my friends Waew from Thailand and Theresa from Germany. Whoa, so many different cultures united to make a typical dessert from another culture foreign to us. Look at us international exchange students go! Anyway, the recipe is below. I don't have any pictures of our personal experience (since my camera died and I lost the recharger :/ )



-Butter or Margarine 250g
-Sugar 150g
-Eggs 2
-Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon
-Lemon juice 3 teaspoons
-Lemon zest (1 lemon)
-Cornstarch 300g
-Rising Flour 200g
-Dulce de Leche 500g
-Coconut shreds


 1- Preheat the oven to a medium temperature.
2- Whisk in a bowl the soft butter with the sugar. Add the eggs, vanilla extract, and lemon juice.
3- Slowly add dry ingredients and mix until smooth and doughy.
4- Leave it in the fridge to rise for at least 2hrs.
5- Role the dough out in flour and cut with a cookie cutter.
      *You can make them whatever size really but remember that the dough will rise a lot so don't cut them too thick.
6- Place in a buttered or floured pan and cook the for 8min.
7- Leave them to cool. Fill them with dulce de leche and role the sides in the coconut shreds.
8- Most important of all, enjoy!

By the way, this recipe is nothing fancy. Let's just thank Yahoo Answers for one moment.

~From Argentina With Love

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