My first day in Argentina with my family is the most memorable so far. Everything was (and still is) so new and different. That first day, my host-family brought me to a local grocery store to get the ingredients for gnocci (a whole other subject for another time) as well as milk. As we were walking around, I noticed a few foreign things already. First being that there is an entire half of an aisle dedicated to yerbe mate (next time I'm there, I'll take a picture :). The second observation was in one of those displays against the wall that would usually contain things that need refrigeration. Instead of holding things such as butter, milk, orange juice there was a long line of bags. We placed two of those bag in the grocery cart and moved on. All of a sudden, one of them started spewing a fountain of liquid everywhere from a small puncture! Oops! I won't even mention, the incriminating trail we left throughout the store. That, was my first encounter with milk. Perhaps it is not as funny written, but it was memorable for me!
~ From Argentina with Love
Since milk is in a bag, everyone has this special box to pour it. It's cheaper than buying the large wasteful plastic milk containers every time. Maybe the US should learn something from this...
As long as wine does not come from a pouch, it is all good!